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Friday, December 4, 2009

Mind Control

When one understands technology and pieces it all together...

A TV signal is no different to a radio signal but holds a picture as well

Emotions were transmitted by implanting microchips in to nerve tissue where a man and his wife shares the same sensations, thoughts, movements, impulses, they were also able to record and back up everything in 0's and 1's on computers!

Jose Delgado implanted monkeys and bulls making them stop charging in the middle of charging

Holo sound lets you send SOUND waves with out a burst pattern with a direct holosonic laser, making 1 person in the middle of a crowd hear something

See something, Vision

Feel something, Emotions

Move or stop moving Motor Cortex with an over-ride

The level the brain can receive on is much like a computer "Far more sensitive than most people realize and most peoples tunnel vision awareness stops them from consciously even being aware of all signals messages and awareness's outside of there self restricted tunnel awareness", signals for visual sound emotional content can be sent on such a low volume setting that it will seem like static to the conscious mind while still seeming like ones natural subconscious instinct...

For those thinking about Layering Photography against 0.0"Repeating"1 transparency of a message, image, emotional state that never goes away or contradicts the more prevalent emotion, subconsciously its seen, consciously its ignored for the more prevalent 99.9"repeating" clear picture
Doing this with a white clear frame and a black 0.0repeating1 transparent background will still make the image consciously GREG but UNCONSCIOUS of it until one is consciously comparing to TRUE WHITE then it becomes obvious!

This technology dose not have to be in a chip implanted to decode signals, or pigy back them, the work done by scientists to map and change the EEG electro magnetic field of the brain to stimulate change or eradicate thought patterns had already been proven,

so to was the fact that using magnetic energy brain surgery could be accomplished with the potential to lobotomize "altho this was shown in an EEG reader machine with its magnets amplified, as well as with coordinated micro lasers that were not strong enough to interact individually but when they intersected each other there amplified strength was enough to burn or move brain cells

Technology will advance...

So to will peoples understanding of technology...

When people Consciously master the techniques and understandings of technology and how the brain has the ability to be aware and able to integrate with the technology without the physical device, then in time consciousness will override and master any outside devices interference...

However when one is ignorant of technology one is like the Natives of so many cultures getting mowed down when gunpowder changed the rules and understandings of the game... as the natives learn about the technology they learn how to protect themselves and the advantage of a physical device was limited by its technological understandings... rather than being seen as majik or godly divinity or satanic evil, it was seen and treated with the same respect fire is handled and the people responsible are able to protect those still ignorant by having the ability to plan ahead with the technological insight being integrated and applied with the rest of ones knowledge and wisdom

The Elite have always has there Esoteric "Hidden Knowledge" to teach there followers and restrict from outsiders to remain in control

Today all children do the pencil wobble trick to make a stick turn in to a snake...
Not so long ago Prophets of religious proclaimed hidden knowledge of god had entire cultures in aww at there power to make a solid stick wobble like a snake...

Today people are in aww of the Elites ability to wage war and kill... Control and dominate the globe... Learn there HIDDEN SECRETS ! UNDERSTAND THERE TECHNOLOGY THEY HIDE FROM YOU! and BE FREE TO PROTECT THE INNOCENT!

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