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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Gentile = Non Israelite Tribes, Nations in English, United Gentiles?

The term Gentile (from Latin gentilis, by the French "gentil", female: "gentille", meaning of or belonging to a clan or tribe) refers to non-Israelite tribes or nations in English translations of the Bible, most notably the King James Version.

If this dose not give you a Twinkling withing consciousness awareness of the Depth and multiple layering of terms used in plain sight that only signifies the ignorance of the Sheople to those with a deeper or tangent-ed aspect understanding...

It also may explain why Israel has broken more U.N Sanctions than any other nation while at the same time having the least of all U.N Actions ever taken against it...

from under 2000 resolutions Israel has over 222+, Most they broke anyway and got no punishment just another resolution...

I mean they got court recently Stealing people ID's from all over the world even Australia, and they got a slap on the wrist for using Australian, German, French and other countries passports...

But if you Critique Zionism... well they may say...
Off with your HEAD...

Seriously tho how many people have to die? How close do those Dieing people need to get before you start caring? Friend? Family member? why not a Stranger because defending the innocent is the morally good thing to do? why wait till family members are lost before action? if you ask the person who had to die for you to act i'm pretty sure they will regard action as to late for them but better late then never...
Millions have already been aborted, Mass Genocidal Murder, Sterilization, Lobotomized, Tortured... Millions Suffer... While others play sports, keep fashionable, Do the Social thing like bizzy little bee's, Some are waiting for the next Messiah to fix it, Others Blame the first God-messiah they were indoctrinated by for not being a perfect creator and allowing all the fuckups... Programed to Wait for the Specialist, and-or Pass the Buck, Never to Seek the Choices that would allow you to fix the Issues you do cry about...

I personally prefer to be Aware and seek the Truth, always trying to help all people escape the dogmas and strategic manipulative de-compartmentalized deceit that created the delusions that prevent one from being aware one can even be aware of such aspects or that those aspects even existed... at least one who knows the Lies in its Conception Origination, Use and Objective and easily knowingly identify such an abomination and rid what ever encounter one comes across from abominations one has learn the known foundations and anchor points of the delusions giving one the power to dismiss them...

Go forth and begin your journey to find Universally Interdenominational Unbreakable Interlinked Foundational Truths that will build your own individual unique Consciousness the tools it requires to translate the Depth and De-compartmentalized Layers of a Hierarchy that has been strategically hidden from most people there entire lives...

Please remember Is-Ra-El Isis + Ra + EL are a different time and place to the Illuminati, or Sol-Om-On Sol-Sun + Om-Eastern Meditation + On-Light-Lucifer is just one small link in the Chain, and anyone who claims its all Jews is an Idiot or worse a disinformation specialist, Its all the Elite who make choices that are forced upon the general population regardless of Religion, Race, Culture or any other De-vision method used. They State over and over the only Clarification that counts is BLOODLINE, that is why all the people in power are Generational Families Related to people in historic power, or they are inventors explorers and other up and coming brilliant minds of humanity that are brought in to the "Bloodline" via marriage insuring there own children s future while also binding there up and coming influence and power to the goals of the bloodline, even tho outsiders are brought in at a rank that would within there own Heir to the Throne Leadership rules permit any children for 2 generations of inter marriages at minimum before they could be eligible for the top position... this buffer zone is that which distinct's the public bloodline from the Patriarchal head of the bloodline that remains hidden along with the immediate heirs... No its not the Queen or her Cousin Bush or his cousin Obama, Because the Queens power comes from the person who Corrinates her the pope, and his comes from those that elect him the top cardinals, as for presidents and prime-ministers there like managers of a restaurant, the finances behind the establishment understand that new management every 4-8 years is a good way to keep going in the same direction without the baggage of the previous blunders...

So on a Final Note...
Enki is the First Patriarch of the Anunnaki the Bloodline that the Royalty of Europe, the Presidents and prime-ministers, the Popes cardinals and Bishops, the Media Banking and Oil Moguls, The Abrahamic Religions are all so proud to trace there heritage back to...

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